Navigation 2368688

Welcome to my Website! This probably won't be updated often, but I'll try!! I'm still new to coding, so please cut me some slack haha. Most of the coding is my own, but for the drop down I use a layout by r.o.u.s on spacehey!

You can call me fetti or just C! have some fun browsing!

Bella Sara card of the month!


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0189 whale strawberrysc2 glitter webkinz 2 31 0082 aromantic 0091 bug 0143 webkinz acecute 5 16 1071338ipvpyh23ww TZow2hI v9 t1 v33 mlp 3 tumblr inline pygqw2lJ3B1wy6p2l 500 tumblr pce14vHqJI1xy0eh3o1 250 tumblr pk6778Ja9U1vb2c3go4 r1 250 sillystar dfwch7s dc45bf17 f7b6 4827 8793 a1e01573160d dfwa8vj a9c69dea f46f 4299 9221 5ef28ad1ce52 dfxesti e55171b2 b50c 4665 95a6 93435bfb7485 peeps oGZMIxn f53RMXT 581f9986 SHaCOHO blinkiesCafe fo bemine twillightsparkleI HATE ASIIIAIIA aliens

